Faces of Suicide

Remembering ...

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Long, Charles Bobby
26 April 1993 - 12 July 2015
Decatur, Illinois And Kent, Washington

Our Remembrance
Though I only had a short time with him, Bobby quickly became my best friend and my family. He was loving, supportive, funny, smart, creative, and loyal, among many other things. Unfortunately he could no longer grapple with his past and the resulting mental health issues and succeeded in suicide by carbon monoxide poisoning. That phone call from the Coroner's office took so many pieces of me that I will never get back. Bobby spent his short life spreading so much light that he didn't keep any for himself. I'll never forget his contagious laugh, our long conversations that flipped from silly to serious like a light switch, our day hikes and movie nights, how hard he hugged and how intensely he loved. I can only hope he found the peace he so desperately needed, and that he somehow knows how much he is still loved and missed.